California State Bar Fingerprinting
***If you are a California-licensed attorney practicing out of state, click on the link below: http://www.calbar.ca.gov/Attorneys/Attorney-Regulation/Fingerprinting-Rule-Requirements/For-Out-of-State-Attorneys
Under California Rule of Court Rule 9.9.5, all active attorneys licensed in California must be re-fingerprinted. The State Bar is requiring attorneys to resubmit fingerprints by April 30, 2019. Failure to follow these instructions may be considered non-compliance with State Bar of California fingerprinting rule requirements and may subject attorneys to penalties. In-state attorneys must follow the instructions below:
» Download a Prepopulated Live Scan Form
What do you need to bring?
The pre-populated Live Scan form
Current Government-issued photo ID
Your form of payment
Unsure of how to fill out your form?
For helpful tips on how to fill out your form, please refer to Live Scan Guru for more information on the Request for Live Scan form.
For more information about background check process for the State Bar of California, go on-line to the State Bar of California website.